Short term goal: Get myself one of those 'boyfriend' things I have been hearing so much about.
What? Like it's hard? (That's what she said) ppsshhhhh.
I think it's time. If not, I'm going to end up an old spinster (I have been having a surprising affection towards cats lately).
If it goes badly, I can chalk it up to a). practice, or b). good blog material.
I'm afraid that my blog readers are being deprived. I have not been on a date in quite some time, and we all know that whenever I do go on one next, I will most likely do something awkward and/or super embarrassing. But we also know that this means- blog potential!
Also, who am I to be depriving all these potential suitors the awesomeness that is me? The fact that I have been so anti-commitment for so long is just plain selfish. My apologies, boys. You don't know what you are missing. I blame myself.
So, for the next few weeks (months? Hmm...I don't know about that), I will not say 'no' (not like that, you sickos). I have been told that I am too picky, therefore, from now until I decide I'm over it, anyone who asks me out will receive an enthusiastic 'yes!' After all, I am doing this purely for the readers and the poor boys who have been lacking that awesomeness in their lives. I mean, I'm just trying to make this world a better place. You're welcome.