How many farewell concerts are acceptable for one band to play? The way I see it, a farewell concert means that you are not making any new music, and you are getting to old to be considered incredibly awesome. Therefore, one needs to pull the plug and end it. So your first farewell concert tour is a huge success. Well, congratulations! This is no reason to have six more. Put out a(nother) 'best of' CD, start up a talk show, start a clothing line, but 52 more "farewell" concerts is no longer a fairwell. You are old and I don't care how much I, or anyone else loves listening to your music, it is no longer acceptable to be money-grubbing geezers charging ridiculous amounts of money to people who have heard you play live before. This includes "retiring" ahem, Jay-Z.
In the summer of 2005, I witnessed the Eagles eighty-third-ish farewell concert on the Sonoma State University's soccer field. It was a pretty big deal. Large stage, a gated area, expensive tickets, and a huge mess afterwards. I believe that ticket sales had an age limit of 51+ and you had to be annoyingly stoned to get into the "I paid way too much for an outdoor concert" area. I, along with many of my college friends, walked to the campus to watch and listen from a hill that overlooked the soccer field/temporary stage. The band had a huge television screen and a great sound system which enabled everyone to see and hear that I was singing every word spot-on (did I mention that I am a huge fan?). By the looks of the empty beer cans, crushed cigarette butts, and ignored roach ends that were left for the cleanup crew, it was apparent that a great time was had by all, young and old.
Pan to two weeks later (a fortnight, if you will). During my college years, I worked at a coffee shop. On this Tuesday morning, I was most likely still humming "Take it Easy" as I steamed milk and brewed coffee. I loved talking and joking with the people that would come in on a regular basis. Not to mention, when a cute dude would come in, well, that was just an added bonus.
"...four that wanna own me, two that wanna stone me, one says she's a friiieeend of mine..."
There was one guy who we called "Large Mocha with Whip" because we never knew his real name. I thought that he was so adorable. He would come in almost every weekday to get his mocha before work, and every time, my co-workers would kindly step aside so that I could make his drink and chat with him (thanks guys).
On this morning, Mr. Adorable walks in wearing a black sweatshirt with white writing on it. "Eagles" was written across the front. He ordered his drink, and as I had been to the Eagles seven-millionth farewell concert two weeks prior, I asked him, "Oh! Did you see the Eagles when they had their concert at SSU?"
Behind me I hear Stacey mutter, "oh, no" under her breath. In that split second I knew that I had just said the dumbest thing that would ever leave my lips. I glanced up to see Mr. Adorable reach up to grab his drink, and on the arm of his sweatshirt I saw a patch. On it was the emblem of the Philadelphia Eagles.
I may not be a very big football fan, okay, I hate the sport, but in my defense, I know that the colors for the Philadelphia Eagles are white and teal! Errr...green? Regardless, it is not black and white. So while I may have made myself look like a ditsy, girly, stereotype, cut me a little slack. I could have asked him if he enjoys bird watching.
then what??? what did he say??? as a lame guy, i LOVE when chicks say stupid/emabarassing stuff because it's one of the few times i actually have the upperhand.
ReplyDeletehahaha, I remember this day!!! -Stacey
ReplyDeleteWow, I am in love with your blog.I had a similar experience when I worked at Great Harvest. We called him the Hot European. Then I figured out he was my little sister's excetionally creepy cross country coach. Good times.
ReplyDeleteBetty Jenkins.
This happens to me on a daily basis. I once said vagina instead of veterinary....