Due to an overwhelming* response from my fans, I feel that I must write a follow-up to my "Did I Really Just Say That?" blog. So here you go.
By "overwhelming" I mean about 5 or 6 people. Seeing as I only have 8 followers of my blog, that is over half and therefore constitutes as overwhelming.
Coffee dates..hmmm. Casual, social, safe. My plan was to make every effort to not go through the N.S.S. incident again. Think before you speak, Lindsay. Think before you speak. For once,
I was on time. Actually, I think I was about four minutes early (go me)! When Mr. X showed up he bought our drinks, which is a big deal these days I have noticed. So 'thank you' Mr. X!
We did what you normally do on a coffee date; chat, sip, chat. But things got interesting when, mid-date, Mr. X informs me that he does not, nor has he ever...owned a cell phone.
- "Wait, what?"
- "Well, I have a land line."
- "So...it has, like.....a cord?"
- "Well, it has a cord to the wall, but it's actually a wireless phone."
Me, "Oh thank God!"
My eighty-six year old grandmother owns a cell phone. I think that it would actually take more time and effort to not own a cell than to just get one. I mean, how granola do you have to be to think, "Nah, I'll go without one. I would rather be one with the trees and squirrels and write poems and eat dirt and wear Birkenstocks while I ride my bike and meditate than be a part of society."?
Ok, maybe I have taken it a little far, the guy was pretty normal minus this one small fact. Some people have said that I can be a little granola myself, but honestly, I can't think of one person I know that doesn't own a cellular device.
Mr. X has since come back to visit me at work. I, however, have taken no action. Show a little interest in me, and like a frightened wild animal I run the other way. Ignore me, and you are all I can think about. This process has not treated me well, but the definition of crazy is to repeatedly do the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome. Interesting...
Needless, to say, he hasn't called. HA!
i have already heard this story. new one.