Well, I’ve passed my prime. Technically, I have five months left, but let’s be honest, marriage is not in my immediate future. For those of you out there with a confused cartoon question mark hovering above your head, please refer to my blog from October of 2009, entitled, “Major Deal Breaker.” In this blog, I explain that my buddy Blair, age 6 at the time, informed me that the ideal time for me to get married is age 27.
Here I am, 27, single, on crutches, and now that I might be able to finally start walking again, the doctor tells me that I am going to have to wear orthopedic Frankenstein shoes. This is not going to be very beneficial in my dating life.
I have plenty of reasons why I am not married at this point in my life. The main one being that I will dismiss any boy who shows any interest in me, for reasons such as;
a. Bad speller
b. Poor conversationalist
c. Too intense
d. Too good looking, therefore obviously not trustworthy
Leave it to a first grader to put it all in perspective. Who knew that all I really needed to watch out for were these 10 things…